Proposals mooted to reduce waste site spend

Proposals to reduce waste site costs are going out for consultation

Sign of waste site

Pragmatic proposals designed to reduce costs whilst minimising the impact on residents are set to go out for consultation.

Closing three recycling and household waste sites which are comparatively expensive to run or are relatively close to other sites is part of proposals to be discussed at Leicestershire County Council’s Cabinet.

If approved next Tuesday (24 October), people will be asked to have their say on the plan which would save £420,000 by: 

  •  Closing three sites - Market Harborough, Shepshed and Somerby 
  • Changing the opening days at Bottesford and Melton Mowbray  
  • Closing all sites on Christmas Eve  
  • Changing summer opening hours at all recycling and household waste sites 

The council has repeatedly highlighted the current financial pressures, including the need to save £90m by 2026, and a recent £9m forecast overspend for this year’s finances due to rising social care costs. 

We’re doing the best we can with the money we have and we’re super-efficient, but there’s growing pressure and we need to make savings where we can.

Our recycling and household waste sites are located and open to best serve residents. Proposing to close these sites isn’t easy, but I want to be clear that no decisions have yet been made. We really want people to tell us what they think of these plans.

We’re focusing on sites that are relatively expensive to run and have practical, viable alternative locations for those who use them.

Councillor Blake Pain, cabinet member for the environment and green agenda

The council runs 14 waste sites, more than other East Midlands counties, and a reduction would bring it in line with others in the region.

Both Somerby and Shepshed sites cost the council significantly more per visit than more popular sites, and both account for just 5 per cent of all waste taken.

Alternative sites are available within easy reach of the suggested sites for closure to ensure impact on residents is minimal.

Proposed closures would save £270,000 per year, with the change in summer opening hours saving a further £150,000 per year.

The council’s cabinet will discuss the proposals at 2pm on 24 October – watch online.

If approved a 12-week consultation is intended to begin in November.

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