‘Private foster carers’ urged to access help and support

Let us know if you are looking after a child who is not your own

A man and a child playing football in a backyard.

Leicestershire residents looking after children who are not their own are urged to contact the county council to access help and support. 

Caring for a child aged under 16 (or under 18 if they have a disability), who is not a close relative, for more than 28 days, is known as ’private fostering’.  

People can be private fostering for many different reasons, such as:  

  • They are a family friend who is looking after a child who has fallen out with their family 
  • They are a host family, looking after an overseas student at a nearby private school 
  • Their partner has gone away for some reason, leaving their birth child in their care, making them a private foster carer 

Keeping our children and young people safe is our priority. 

It’s everyone’s duty to notify us if they, or someone else, are looking after a Leicestershire child who is not their own so we can support both the carer and the child.

The county council check to make sure that the private foster carers are suitable, children’s education and health needs are being met and that there is ongoing frequent contact with family members. 

It can also advise on how carers can access support through signposting to financial assistance such as Child Benefit, Housing Benefit and Universal Credit. 

If you want to report a private fostering arrangement you can email childrensduty@leics.gov.uk or call 0116 3050005. 

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