People are asked to use water wisely after the driest July in since 1911

With no meaningful rain forecast, water company bosses are appealing for people's help to protect supplies through the heatwave

Water running down a plug hole

With temperatures hitting the 30s once again and after the UK saw the driest July since 1911 people are being asked to use water wisely as demand increases to some of the highest peaks on record.  

Water firm Severn Trent says its preparation work throughout the year to remain resilient and protect water supplies, has put it in a good position, yet with no rain in the forecast, the extreme weather conditions could continue to increase demand.

Severn Trent’s Water Efficiency Manager Sophie Evans-Young, said: “As the glorious summer sunshine continues, there’s naturally a greater demand for water so our teams are working around the clock to keep the network in good shape.

“Our region has experienced the driest July in a century and with no rainfall in the forecast, we’re asking people to be mindful of their water use, as small behavioural changes can add up to a big difference."

Severn Trent has not had a temporary usage ban in 27 years, and instead is actively managing its Drought Action Plan, doing everything possible to meet demand in this hot weather, while caring for the environment. 

The company is pumping an extra hundred million litres of water into the network every day, while the number of tankers in the fleet has been doubled so water can be moved into supply more quickly than ever before.  Expert engineers are also fixing around 3,000 leaks a month, which can be caused by pipes bursting as a result of the ground drying up and moving due to the hot weather.

Severn Trent is also reminding people of the dangers of trying to cool off by swimming in bodies of water like its reservoirs.

Operations Manager for Visitor Sites at Severn Trent Dan Taberner said: “It’s always fantastic to see people enjoying our wonderful sites and we really want to encourage people to use all the facilities on offer including play areas and lovely walks around the reservoirs and surrounding areas.

“We also realise that on a hot day, a large body of water such as a reservoir can look like a tempting option to cool off, but there are hidden dangers under the surface including pumping machinery, and even on a hot day, the water will be extremely cold that can lead to even the strongest swimmers getting into trouble.

  • A leaking loo could increase water usage by 20% - wasting money and water.  Check to see if you have a leaky loo – we’ve got free dye tablets available here.
  • A sprinkler can use as much as 1,000 litres of drinking water in just one hour – which is more water than a family of four would normally use in a whole day!
  • 22,500 free water efficiency products have been ordered by Severn customers this summer. If all of these products ordered are fitted and used, we could see a saving of 182,500 litres! 

Tips for a water efficient home

  • Keep a jug of water in the fridge to enjoy nice cold water when you want it, rather than running the tap until it’s cold
  • Ask children to water the plants with leftover water from their paddling pool – a fun activity to keep them entertained whilst also saving money and water 
  • Wait until the dishwasher or washing machine is full before using it

Leicestershire’s director of public health, Mike Sandys said: “This heatwave isn’t as hot as the one we experienced in July but it is lasting longer.

“Again, I’d like to remind everybody to drink plenty of water, while trying not to waste any, and try to avoid spending too much time in the sun.

“It’s also important to keep an eye out for vulnerable neighbours and relatives.  It doesn’t take long to check up on them and make sure they are okay.”

Much of the advice on beating the heat is common sense and can be found on the county council website.

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