Over two thirds of young Leicestershire volunteers find jobs

A scheme launched by the county council to help young people into work has been successful

graphic images of brightly coloured hands

Over two-thirds (67%) of young volunteers in Leicestershire successfully found a job or an apprenticeship after taking part in Get Set, a scheme set up by the county council to tackle youth unemployment.

Since its launch in September 2013, 139 young people on the Get Set scheme have been supported into placements. Out of this group, 64% had additional support needs including learning disabilities and difficulties, mental health issues and physical or sensory disabilities.

After completing their placements, 13% of young people went on to further education or training, and each person has said that taking part Get Set has increased their confidence, enhanced their skills and helped them to take their first steps into employment.


Get Set is a fantastic example of how volunteering can help people from all backgrounds develop valuable new skills, gain experience of a real work environment and add to their CV.

“Too often young people find that they cannot get into employment because they lack practical work experience, however volunteering is an excellent way to get the skills and confidence that employers are looking for, with the support of a qualified mentor. It is a really positive and potentially life changing experience.


Get Set supports young people aged 16-25 to take up short voluntary work experience placements across a range of departments within the county council, to gain valuable skills in an area of their interest. In addition, it also provides young people with more options on results day.

Areas of work that young people have volunteered in include libraries, IT, catering, family support, as well as office departments. 24% of young people went on to find employment at Leicestershire County Council, whilst others took posts and apprenticeships at other organisations.

As well as securing work experience placements, young people receive hands on help and support on CV writing, job searching, completing applications, and interview practice.

The scheme has been supported by 78 members of county council staff, who have acted as mentors for the young volunteers.

For further information about the Get Set scheme, visit getsetleics.co.uk 

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