Online community event is your chance to work together to tackle climate change

Residents can talk to a panel of experts who will be sharing their experiences of making a difference at community level

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A call has gone out for residents and representatives of groups and organisations from across Leicestershire to sign up for an online event to talk about the best ways of working together to tackle climate change.

Leicestershire County Council last year launched its ambitious blueprint setting out how residents, businesses and other groups can work together to help make Leicestershire a net zero carbon county by 2045.

The authority is now holding an online session on Thursday 15 June, where residents and organisations can hear more about the council’s net zero ambitions and talk directly to a panel of experts who will be sharing their experiences of making a difference at community level. They will also be offering practical solutions on tackling climate change and finding the support that communities need to set up their own projects to help achieve net zero.

The Net Zero Communities Network event runs from 12noon until 1.30pm. The speakers are Michael Suddens from the county council’s Carbon Reduction team, Herbert Daybell from the Bottesford Net Zero Project, and Ben Dodd from the Green Fox Community Energy Co-operative.

It’s free to join, and anyone interested in taking part is asked to register through the Leicestershire Communities website.

There is a huge challenge ahead if we are to meet our ultimate goal to be a net zero county by 2045.
We can’t do this alone. We need a team effort, working together with encouraging our residents, partners, and businesses to help shape a greener future for the county, and for generations to come.

The Communities Network allows people from all sectors of the community to come together and share their ideas on how we can all work together at grassroots level to find real, practical solutions to reaching our carbon neutral targets.

The event takes place during Great Big Green Week – a week-long series of events being held across Leicestershire to encourage residents to take part in community action tackling climate change and protecting nature.

The Net Zero Communities Network event is the first in a series of sessions which will be shaped by feedback from residents and organisations taking part in the discussions.

Leicestershire County Council and the seven district councils are supporting Great Big Green Week, a nationwide campaign taking place from Saturday 10 June to Sunday 18 June.

More information about the Great Big Green Week is available on the Great Big Green Week website.

Leicestershire Matters

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