New 2040 transport blueprint for Leicestershire goes live

Core document now available

Cartoon vehicles alongside text reading Leicestershire County Council A local transport plan for leicestershire

A plan laying out the long-term goals for a better-connected transport system across Leicestershire is now available to view.

Leicestershire County Council’s Local Transport Plan (LTP4) looks at the needs of communities in all areas across the county up to 2040, with five key themes to help the vision:

  • Enabling health and wellbeing
  • Safeguarding the environment
  • Promoting economic growth
  • Enhancing network resilience
  • Embracing innovation

The plan was put to consultation last year, with more than 70% of people who responded feeling positive about the vision that was set out. The development of a coherent transport strategy is essential to ensure the county not only aligns with national transport policy, but also to set out a clear vision which provides a strategic case to seek the funding needed from the government to support the plan.

I was so pleased to hear that so many people who took part in our consultation agreed with our objectives. It’s clear that LTP4 resonates with the people of Leicestershire and we have the right priorities.

We face so many transport challenges but I’m confident that our bold, community-led strategy, which prioritises active and public transport holds the key to a safer, healthier and better-connected county.

The next phase of LTP4 will include localised investment plans for key areas of the county, which will look at multiple modes of transport, as well as the county’s strategic investment plan.    

More public engagement is planned. For more information about the plan and any future engagement events, visit our webpage. 

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