Multiply adult learning programme sets out its stall with showcase event

Multiply is a three-year programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills

Smiling man

An event to showcase the groups and further education providers who are working with Leicestershire County Council to deliver the Multiply adult numeracy programme across the county is being held as part of the national Number Confidence Week.

The event is taking place in the Members’ Lounge at County Hall from 10am to 12noon on Tuesday 7 November.

The 11 grant-funded providers and three further education providers will each have a stall at the event, where they will showcase the courses and projects that they run under the Multiply banner.

Representatives from the 40-plus organisations which are able to refer eligible people to the Multiply programme are also being invited to the event to learn more about the help and support that the providers are able to offer.

Multiply is a three-year programme to help adults in Leicestershire improve their numeracy skills and enable businesses to upskill their workforces.

The county council was awarded £3 million in government funding for the programme, which has allowed it to deliver hundreds of free courses, workshops and support, to adults who do not already have a GCSE grade C/4 or higher in maths or equivalent and need to improve their numeracy skills.

Numeracy is a vital skill that has so many practical applications in everyday life, and boosting those numeracy skills improves lives.

We are now well into the second year of this important programme, which has already helped hundreds of people to boost their confidence with numbers and improve their skills.

Multiply is led by the county council’s Adult Learning Service, working with partners including further education colleges and training providers, charitable and voluntary groups, and employers to deliver free numeracy courses and programmes throughout the county, to help people improve their numeracy skills.

The Multiply programme aims to level up opportunities for more people by increasing their confidence with numbers, giving them the tools they need to improve their job prospects and life chances. It also aims to improve the financial well-being of individuals and families by supporting them in managing money, becoming financially self-sufficient and ensuring parents support their children with numeracy-based homework.

Multiply courses are available across Leicestershire in person or online, at work or at home, either on a part-time or intensive basis.

The grant providers are:

  • Helpings Hands
  • Falcon Support Services
  • Forever Savvy
  • Leicestershire Citizens Advice
  • CASE
  • Th!nk FC
  • VAL
  • RCC
  • Marlene Reid Centre
  • HomeStart
  • Building Heroes


The further education providers are:

  • WorkPays
  • Business2Business
  • North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College

More information is available on our Multiply web pages.



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