Local leaders publish tributes to The Queen

Senior leaders across Leicester and Leicestershire have released messages of condolence following the sad death of Her Majesty The Queen.

Her Majesty The Queen

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Michael Kapur OBE, said: “I am deeply saddened by the death of our Queen, who dedicated her life to the service of our country and the Commonwealth.

“Queen Elizabeth served as our Monarch longer than any of her predecessors and was hugely respected and loved by people across the world. The recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations demonstrated how loved and treasured she was.

“I wish to extend my sincere sympathy to our new King and all members of the Royal family at this very sad time.

“I will be observing Royal mourning until after The Queen’s funeral which means that I will not be undertaking social engagements as Lord-Lieutenant.”

Leader of Leicestershire County Council, Nick Rushton, added: “We are all deeply moved to hear of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. I speak on behalf of the elected members and those working for the County Council.

“Many of us have only ever known one Monarch – such has been the remarkable reign of Queen Elizabeth the Second. 

“As a mark of respect, during the period of Royal mourning, the Union and County Flags have been half-masted at County Hall. Our headquarters will also be illuminated in purple until after The Queen’s funeral.

“The Chairman will be attending only those official engagements of a formal nature and will not be wearing his insignia.”

Leicester City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said: “I am profoundly saddened by the news of Her Majesty’s passing and, on behalf of the city, extend my sympathies to our new monarch and all of the Royal Family.

“Queen Elizabeth was on the throne for more than 70 years – the longest reign of any British monarch – and in that time was a tireless ambassador in the service of the country and the wider Commonwealth.

“During her lengthy reign, The Queen oversaw vast changes politically and domestically, both at home and internationally.

“She always acted with remarkable grace and composure, which inspired genuine affection from across the world. Her passing truly marks the end of an era.”

Bishop of Leicester, The Rt Revd Martyn Snow, said: “I learnt of the death of her Majesty the Queen with enormous sadness at the loss of a faithful, courageous and inspirational monarch.

“She was a great gift to our country, ruling for 70 years with complete dedication to her people and to her vocation. She succeeded in being Queen for all of us, whatever our status, beliefs or background. As we all know, she was held in deep respect and admiration across the world, by both ordinary people and international leaders.

“Having had the privilege of meeting her personally, I found Her Majesty to be warm and approachable, intensely interested in others and always keen to remind us that it is our common efforts that forge and maintain our community life. Her Christian faith provided an inspiration and encouragement to many, and was the motivation to her life-long desire to serve her country and the Commonwealth, and their people. We owe her a deep debt of gratitude.

“Today we pray for the Royal Family in their own grief, and extend our deepest sympathy to them.”

Temporary Chief Constable Rob Nixon said: “The loss of the Queen is keenly felt by officers and staff here at Leicestershire Police and for those of us who have sworn an oath, this is a very poignant day.

“Above all else, our ability to serve the law is down to our constitutional monarchy and we have been proud to serve Queen Elizabeth during her remarkable reign.

“She has visited our city many times and each time we have been honoured to welcome her here. It has been our privilege to welcome her and provide policing support for her visits.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews: “This is a very sad day for us all. Her Majesty’s kindness knew no bounds, even complimenting me on my rather suspect brown suede and corduroy jacket as I stood in the crowd outside Windsor Castle for her Silver Jubilee in 1977.

“From charity work, hosting and guiding Heads of State, to a wide array of other public and voluntary engagements, Her Majesty’s sense of duty and devotion to a lifetime of service are qualities to be admired and adorned upon ourselves so we can be and do better in our lives. Quite simply, The Queen has been the strength and stay of our nation for generations, and we owe her a debt of gratitude greater than she would have ever claimed.”

The Lord-Lieutenant will publish further information about how the city and county will be marking The Queen’s death, and how local residents are able to join in this collective mourning.  This local information will available soon at: www.leicestershire.gov.uk/TheQueen   

From tomorrow books of condolence will be available at the following locations:

  • St. Martins House in Leicester
  • Town Hall in Leicester
  • County Hall in Glenfield

From tomorrow the following public buildings will be illuminated in purple:

  • County Hall in Glenfield
  • Town Hall and City Hall in Leicester

Residents are advised to check opening times on the website in advance. There will also be a virtual book of condolence available on the Lord-Lieutenant’s website for those who cannot attend in person.

Further information about national events is also available on the Royal website www.royal.gov.uk


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