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Call for volunteers to support environment action in Leicestershire

Two colleagues sit behind a desk and promote environment action volunteering

Leicestershire County Council’s Environment Action Volunteers (EAVs) play a central role in raising awareness and encouraging positive behavioural change in local communities about a range of issues, from home composting and reducing food waste to carbon reduction and managing non-native species. 

EAVs help the county council’s commitment to protect the environment and tackle climate change. Now, new volunteers are being encouraged to come forward to help to progress the scheme further, with a training session taking place on Saturday 12 October at County Hall. 

Our brilliant volunteers help us to achieve our goals to help improve Leicestershire’s environment, and we are grateful for those who dedicate their time and help to support our services. 
I would strongly encourage those passionate about the environment to get involved and share their skills with their communities.

Councillor Blake Pain, cabinet member for environment

New volunteers will join the 45 current EAVs working across Leicestershire, including Anstey environment action volunteer Lynsey James. 

Lynsey said: “Leicestershire County Council supported me to complete a composting course as I really enjoy gardening and being outdoors, and at the events I attend with the council, I get the opportunity to talk about all things waste.”  

“This includes everything from preventing food and general waste to advising communities on swapping single use items for reusable ones, as well as home composting. I really enjoy inspiring and encouraging others to make small actions that will help to look after our planet.” 

So far, Lynsey’s volunteering efforts have been focused on setting up a pre-worn uniform scheme at her children’s school, which she has been running for around two and a half years. 

“We ask the school community for donations of good quality outgrown school uniform, including PE kits,” she explained. “Any unwanted or unclaimed lost property is also collected and we simply invite families to take what they think they can use at no charge.” 

The 12 October training session will focus on a range of topics and give guidance on how to get started in the EAV role. A further session will also be taking place online on 8 November. 

Anyone who would like to apply or find out more about becoming an Environment Action Volunteer can visit the Less Waste volunteering page or email wasteprevention@leics.gov.uk.

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