Leader's Christmas message

Merry Christmas to our residents and a very happy New Year

Nick Rushton

As 2023 draws to a close, council leader, Nick Rushton, is wishing all Leicestershire residents a merry Christmas.


For many families and residents in Leicestershire, Christmas is all about bringing people together. To celebrate life, reflecting on the past year or simply spending quality time with family and friends. 

From the County Council's point of view, we've had a busy and challenging year, particularly with finance issues. But we're a forward thinking, high-performing and efficiently run council, providing quality services people rely on, including social care, helping vulnerable people, keeping the county on the move and protecting our environment. The services we provide connect communities and bring people together, building a stronger Leicestershire. 

The King's Coronation saw Leicestershire celebrate in style - from numerous street parties where the county council waived all charges and thousands of residents volunteering for The Big Help Out. It proves community spirit is alive and well in our county and great to see so many people gathering to mark this momentous occasion. 

As this year draws to a close, we naturally look forward to the New Year, bringing fresh opportunities and challenges alike. Whatever you are doing over the holiday period, I'd like to wish you a merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.





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