Latest closure to allow drainage work linked to distributor road

Work is linked to building of one of six roundabouts

Building work progressing on the North and East Melton Mowbray Distributor Road

Work on the county council’s North and East Melton Mowbray Distributor Road continues apace with progress on the building of one of six roundabouts leading to a road closure later this month.
A temporary closure will be in place on the B676 Saxby Road at its junction with Lag Lane from 6am on Monday, 29th April with the road scheduled to re-open on Friday, 3rd May at 7pm. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be available.

The closure will be in place so a new drainage network can be installed as part of a new roundabout construction. All diversion routes – via the A607 to the A1 - will be clearly signposted. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during the work.

Specific information regarding the closure is available on the construction updates and roadworks section of the scheme website .
Construction of the north and east parts of Melton’s distributor road started in May last year, the 7km road will relieve traffic congestion in the town centre and unlock land for new housing.

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Temporary closure to help keep road scheme on track