Key figureheads pledge to tackle violence against women

Council and police join forces to mark White Ribbon Day

Domestic violence

Key figureheads from Leicestershire have vowed to take a stand against domestic violence.

Leicestershire County Council leader Nick Rushton, Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach, Deputy Chief Constable Rob Nixon and county council director of children and families, Jane Moore, have signed a pledge to mark White Ribbon Day.

The white Ribbon campaign asks people to take a stand against sexism and gender-based violence in all forms by pledging to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.

White Ribbon Day is held on the 25 November; the date the United Nations General Assembly designates as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.


It’s really important that we are pledging our support to the White Ribbon campaign.

Domestic abuse and sexual violence are both sensitive topics and we hope by raising awareness we will encourage more people to take a stand and feel confident to report it.

While White Ribbon Day is about ending violence against women. We want all victims of abuse to know Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland have a number of groups able to offer help in a variety of ways. Know life can get better and support is available.


Rob Nixon, Deputy Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police, said: “Domestic abuse is unacceptable in all forms and so campaigns like White Ribbon Day, which highlight this are well worth giving our full backing to.

“Often, it can be extremely difficult for victims to come forward but if we can make that process easier by emphasising the services and support that’s available through the force and its partners, this can only help. White Ribbon Day gives us a platform to do just that.

“Domestic abuse can happen in any type of relationship. Leicestershire Police has a dedicated team of officers who are specifically trained to understand and deal with this appropriately.”

Lord Willy Bach, Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, added: “I am clear that we all need to do everything we can to support victims and protect vulnerable people. 

“I’m pleased to see so many partners supporting White Ribbon UK, a global campaign designed to end male violence against women. 

“This is something that will only happen if local public services, support groups and communities work together.   

“Together we can raise awareness of all domestic abuse and encourage more people to report this largely hidden crime.  Domestic abuse in any form is totally unacceptable and we must stand firm, together, to tackle it.”

White Ribbon Day marks the beginning of “16 Days of Action”, an international period of activism where people around the world unite to raise awareness about gender-based violence, challenge discriminatory attitudes and call for improved laws and services to end violence against women for good.

Make a pledge 

If you live in the city of Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland and you think you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse or sexual violence, you can contact (UAVA).

Text only support: 07715 994 962

Phone advice line:  0808 802 0028#



Find out more

  • Two women a week are killed by current or former partner and 20% of women have experienced sexual assault according to March 2015 Crime Survey for England and Wales
  • 10,000 women are sexually abused every week according to March 2017 Crime Survey for England and Wales
  • Six out of seven victims are women according to 2017 Crime figures from Crown Prosecution Service
  • White Ribbon was founded in 2005 and encourages men to speak out and be active bystanders, challenging abuse and violence against women and girls; and promotes positive masculinity in men and boys.


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