Have your say on updated proposals for waste sites

The new consultation is open until Wednesday 20 March

General views of waste site

From today (21 February), people can have their say on plans to scale back proposed waste site savings, including proposals to keep locations at Shepshed and Market Harborough open.

Residents are being asked for their views on using an extra £100k of funds to change the original proposals after the council listened to feedback from residents during a previous consultation.

The revised proposals include:

  • Keeping Market Harborough waste site open three days a week
  • Kibworth waste site to open four days a week, instead of five days
  • Keeping Shepshed waste site open two days a week

These plans would ensure there was a seven-day opening between Market Harborough and Kibworth sites. To keep both sites open part-time, the council will need to reduce the opening of Kibworth by a day.

We’ve listened and responded to people’s concerns – we've heard just how important waste sites are for our residents.

That's why we're proposing to use an extra £100k of funds to scale back the original plans and ensure Market Harborough and Shepshed can stay open part-time.

We’re under no illusions as to the challenges we face with our budget gap, but we also recognise the strength of support shown for both sites during the last consultation.

The new consultation is open until Wednesday 20 March and can be found on our Have Your Say page.

Residents can also sign up to the Have Your Say newsletter to find out about the latest consultations and engagements across Leicestershire. 

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