Have your say on travel plans in south Leicestershire and Loughborough

Views are wanted on plans to enhance walking and cycling networks across the south of Leicester and Loughborough

Two people riding bicycles on a woodland trail

Leicestershire locals are being invited to voice their opinions on new plans to enhance cycling and walking networks in two busy areas of the county.

The county council has now launched the consultation phase for Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for the south of Leicester area and the Loughborough area. The consultation runs until Tuesday 12 September 2023.

The plans set out the council’s ambitions to make changes to the infrastructure of roads and pathways across the areas, including wider connected routes, better signage and more cycle parking.

Increasing access to sustainable transport will also help improve the health of local communities and go towards the council’s goal of being net zero by 2045.

Initial feedback for the areas was asked for via a map-based forum in 2022, in which locals noted where they would like to see possible changes which would lead to the establishment of an attractive and integrated cycling, walking and wheeling network across the county. This has helped to inform the proposals set out in the two LCWIPs.

Our cycling and walking plans are a key step towards building and establishing a coherent cycling, walking and wheeling network for all.
These plans will shape local walking and cycling routes in Loughborough and the area south of Leicester for the future, so we encourage local residents, businesses, visitors and councillors all to have their say. 
Having LCWIPs in place will help us to secure the funding from government and private developers to fulfil our ambitions to significantly enhance cycling and pedestrian networks in Leicestershire.

Residents can visit the consultations section on the council’s website to complete the surveys. 

All of the measures currently being considered, as well as other proposals and suggestions arising from the plan and engagement, will be subject to the council securing sufficient funding.

These are the first two in a programme of LCWIPs that the county council is developing, which includes an LCWIP for the north of Leicester area and for each of the ‘county towns’.

Further information about the council’s Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan can be found on the LCWIP page. 

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