Have your say on local pharmacy services

Eight-week consultation to for people to have their views on local health services

Doctor taking a patient's blood pressure

A consultation for people to have their say on pharmacy services in their local community is now open.

Every three years, pharmaceutical needs assessments (PNAs) are carried out around the country to ensure that local community pharmacies (often known as chemist shops) are meeting the pharmaceutical needs of local people. 

The PNA helps the local NHS to manage and make decisions about requests from pharmacists or pharmacy businesses to set up new community pharmacies, merge businesses, or move premises within Leicestershire.

It also considers the accessibility and effectiveness of service delivery. They also provide insight into other areas where improvements can be made.

“The Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory responsibility to prepare a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) for Leicestershire every three years.

“The Health and Wellbeing Boards across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland have come together to carry out this survey to gather your views on current services. I would encourage everyone to take part in this survey so that we have a clearer picture of what future services may be required."

The Boards will publish the results of initial survey, and these will be used to help prepare the draft pharmaceutical needs assessment which will be consulted on later in the year.

The survey is open until 4 April 2025, visit the webpage to take part.

Leicestershire Matters

Eight-week consultation to for people to have their views on local health services

Sessions will include 'Sensory fun', 'Mini Movers' and language workshops

The Hospital Discharge Grant is for carers aged over 18 and available for those who have recently left hospital

Watch our meeting online

The consultation runs until Friday 28 February