Have your say on highways maintenance

Have your say on a proposed new approach to looking after Leicestershire’s roads, pavements and verges


Last year Leicestershire County Council asked residents for their views on how it carries out highways maintenance.

​Following feedback, a draft highways asset management policy and draft strategy have been written. The council is now seeking views on these draft plans.

The authority spent £26 million looking after roads, pavements and verges in 2015/16, either directly or through contractors. By 2020 the authority needs to reduce this to £16.5 million.

Councillor Peter Osborne, county council cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “Our road and footpath network provides connections to employment, health services, education, places of leisure and interest; and supports industry.

“However, with dwindling budgets we need to reconsider our approach to highways maintenance. Our roads are among the best in the country and we want to ensure they are maintained to the best standard they can be, whilst working with increasingly limited resources.

 “If agreed, these proposals will result in notable changes to the way we carry out repairs and general maintenance.

"Feedback from the consultation we held last year on how we can carry out highways maintenance has informed this proposed strategy. We hope people will take the time again to let us know their thoughts on these new plans.”

 Proposals included in the new policy and strategy include:

  • Prioritising high risk repairs when responding to highway defects. This may mean other repairs could take longer than before, but we will be clear about timescales
  • Focussing on planned maintenance work to help slow down the deterioration of roads
  • Preventative work will be carried out on a ‘risk based’ approach and determined on how roads are ‘categorised’ in a new classification of highways
  • Discussing with parish councils opportunities for their involvement in local maintenance, such as grass cutting and the maintenance of trees, flower and shrub beds
  • Introducing a targeted approach to gully cleansing, which will help improve service levels
  • Keeping winter services, such as gritting, at current service levels.

You can have your say online, and can also feed back by calling 0116 3050001 or by emailing HighwaysConsultation@leics.gov.uk

Feedback from this consultation will be considered by the council’s cabinet in the summer, when it considers adopting the proposed policy and strategy.

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