Have your say on adult social care proposals

Eight-week consultation on reshaping services in Hinckley and Coalville

Open consultations

A consultation is now under way on proposals to reshape adult social care services in parts of Coalville and Hinckley.

From today (Mon 19 Feb), people are being asked to have their say on plans to change the use of residential accommodation at two units of The Trees, Hinckley into a short breaks facility.

Views are also being sought on exploring the future use of Hamilton Court care home and Smith Crescent short breaks service in Coalville.

Hamilton Court, which has four residents, and Smith Crescent are being considered for closure under the proposals.

The eight-week consultation runs until 15 April and people can have their say.

Richard Blunt, the county council’s cabinet member for adult social care, said: “We've not made any decisions and I'd encourage people to let us know their views.

“I also want to reaffirm our commitment that residents and the people who use the services will  receive care and support which is as good as they are currently receiving and which will continue to support them into the future.”

The proposals form part of the authority’s strategy to move the emphasis away from residential care to a broader range of personalised care.

For general enquiries or comments about this consultation phone 0116 305 5060 or email carehomes@leics.gov.uk

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