Get vaxxed and enjoy being back

New campaign urges young people to get covid jabs

Vaccination campaign young people

Get vaxxed – enjoy being back, the new local campaign created to encourage young people to get their Covid-19 vaccinations has launched today.

The campaign has been developed for younger people, with younger people (aged 18-29) to help them feel safe and confident as they begin to enjoy activities that have been restricted for a long time in a bid to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Caroline Trevithick, Executive Director of Nursing, Quality and Performance at the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs, said: “We wanted to invest in this campaign to help younger people feel better equipped to safely enjoy getting back to all the things that have been off limits due to the pandemic.

“As all restrictions are eased on activities such as travelling abroad, visiting nightclubs, attending live music and sporting events, there are understandably many who feel nervous and cautious about the unknown impact Covid-19 could have. The virus is still a very real concern but we want our local young people to know that by having both Covid-19 vaccinations they can enjoy getting back to their activities with the confidence and knowledge that they are protecting themselves from catching or passing on the virus. It is however imperative that both doses are taken to provide maximum protection.”

The new campaign has been developed by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Groups, in partnership with local public health teams, Leicestershire County Council, local young people and with local design agency Arch Creative.


I’m proud to have been involved in such an important local campaign. As a younger person working in public health, it was a good opportunity for me to share how important the Covid vaccinations are. Younger people my age mix more with others, so it gives the virus an opportunity to spread. If we get vaccinated, we can protect vulnerable groups and begin to enjoy getting back to normal with the confidence that the vaccine will help to protect me and other people that we’re around.

Dr Shaun McGill, Public Health Registrar at Leicestershire County Council

The campaign was developed in response to local insight that showed young people would be motivated to get vaccinated by positive messages related to getting back to normal and protecting family and friends. It also launches in the week social distancing restrictions, such as wearing masks and mixing with large numbers of people indoors, are lifted.

Simran Sangherra, who supported in the campaign development, said: “It’s really important that young people see the benefits of getting vaccinated and know that they can access it safely and easily. Being a part of this campaign enables young people like myself to see and be part of a positive future and think about the positive impact it has on others around us.”

A total of 534 local young people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland took part in a survey in June which was followed by a series of online focus groups. The insight has been turned into a fresh and positive campaign, with the help of a group of local young people and young health professionals, who also became the stars of the campaign.
The local NHS is encouraging young people to get both their vaccinations to give them the peace of mind that by getting back they are less likely to be getting, passing on or becoming seriously ill from the virus.

If you've not yet been vaccinated against Covid-19, or who haven't had your second dose, find out how to get your jab or search for #GetVaxxedLLR.

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