Foster carers share their stories

Could you spare 20 minutes to find out about fostering?

two ladies and a girl looking at a tablet device

Sparing that time is what Lynn and Gordon Springall did and now, 16 years on, they have helped make a difference to the lives of nearly 40 young people.

The couple are sharing their story as part of Foster Care Fortnight (May 16-29) in the hope that more people will be inspired to offer a loving home.

The pair, from Charnwood, have fostered around 20 young people on a longer-term basis and now focus on shorter-term respite work.


Fostering has been incredibly rewarding. It's been wonderful to see the confidence grow in the young people we've looked after. We treat each child we foster as individuals and we work with them, care for them and embrace their qualities. When we make a breakthrough, it's amazing.


Lynn and Gordon first thought about fostering following the death of their son, when he was just 10.

They recalled a conversation they had had with him while watching a television campaign about fostering where he suggested that was something they could consider as they had a spare room.

Lynn added: “That stayed with us and we realised we wanted to help; we had a lot of give.”

The couple, who also have a daughter, say their fostering journey was helped thanks to ongoing support from the council, in the form of their own social worker, access to a 24 hour helpline and regular ongoing training..

Gordon (64), a former teacher, said: “Fostering is not always easy but once you have made a break-through the rewards are amazing.

“When you see a young person grow in confidence and achieve things it really is fantastic.”

Lynn added: “Being a foster carer has empowered me to do things I wouldn’t have done before – I now have the confidence to run a foster carer support group, for example.

“If you have spare capacity and are able to give young people care, stability and take an interest in them, then please do get in touch with the team  and find out more.”

Councillor Ivan Ould, county council cabinet member for children and families, said: “Lynn and Gordon really are inspirational and show how becoming a foster carer can be hugely rewarding and life-changing, for both the carers and the young people they look after.

“Nationally, a child is taken into care every 20 minutes so we are supporting The Fostering Network’s time to foster, time to care campaign and are encouraging people to set aside the same amount of time to see what they can do to help.”

You can find out more and hear from foster carers at regular ‘find out about fostering’ events that are held around the county and every three weeks at county hall.  Information on this, and fostering in general, can be found at:

To speak to the fostering recruitment team call 0116 305 0505 or email


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