Discount offer for broadband help

Government scheme to improve speeds is extended

Internet use

Thousands of homes and businesses in remote areas across Leicestershire could benefit from the extension of a Government-funded scheme which helps improve broadband speeds. 

The Better Broadband scheme, managed by the county council and funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, has been developed to ensure that everyone is able to access a basic broadband service, with £350 made available to eligible applicants to cover the cost of installation and equipment needed to provide a faster service. 

The connection discount is available to anyone who is unable to access basic broadband of at least 2Mb per second, and where there are no plans to provide superfast broadband access within 12 months. 

People are being encouraged to find out more as the scheme has now been extended for a further year. 


Access  to an affordable broadband service is vital for communities and businesses to grow and thrive. We’re committed to working with our partners to continue to roll out broadband across the county. 

I would encourage all residents and businesses, who are currently unable to access higher connection speeds, to check to see if they could benefit from the Better Broadband scheme. Now that it has been extended for a further 12 months, even more people should be able to take advantage of this offer 


Leicestershire residents are being encouraged to see if they could benefit from the Better Broadband scheme by first checking superfast broadband availability

Applications can be made by completing an online form

More information on the scheme and how to apply is available at

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