Communities “stand together” for Hate Awareness Week

Communities are being urged to “Stand together” and report hate.

Partners, including councils across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and the police, are spreading the message and supporting a series of events during National Hate Crime Awareness Week (8 - 15 October).

The aim is to raise awareness of hate crime and incidents, how to report them and show what communities can do to make people feel safe and less vulnerable

Events include sharing food from different cultures that people can try and ask questions about, enabling people to meet their neighbours, understand their beliefs and share stories.

Main Leicestershire County Council Libraries will hold wriggly readers sessions for 0-4s and will also have book corners with specific books highlighting celebrating differences. 


It’s simply not acceptable to be targeted because of who you are.

Often, hate incidents go unreported. We hope people will attend these events, or hold their own, to raise awareness, encourage communities to ‘stand together and report hate’ and empower people to report incidents or crimes they experience or witness.

They will also provide a wonderful opportunity to bring people together and educate others on different traditions and cultures.

If we stand together and say no to hate, together we can make a difference


We know that hate incidents and hate crimes don’t just impact on the victim but they also affect their family, their friends and the whole community. The theme for this year’s National Hate Crime Awareness Week is Standing Together and there is no stronger message than when our diverse communities stand together side by side against hate and to send a clear message that it has no place in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.


Communities are encouraged to hold their own events or visit their local council website for events in their area.

People can report hate incidents and crimes to the Police by phoning 101, there is also the Stamp It Out website which has on-line reporting (which can be anonymous) or in an emergency always call 999.

Text Leicestershire Police on 07624 818 901 (only to be used by people who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech impaired).

Report a hate incident within Leicester City.

To report a hate incident within the Leicestershire County visit  or call the County Hate Incident Monitoring Project on 0116 305 8263 (during office hours).

To report a hate incident within the Rutland County visit

For Leicestershire County you can also visit your local council office or library, which are reporting centres for hate incidents.  Reporting centres are alternative locations within the local community

If you are a victim and live outside Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, you can report an incident on the True Vision website

Examples of hate incidents include

  • Someone posts something on social media relating to gay adoption that is perceived to be a homophobic incident
  • Someone overhearing language they think is racist

Examples of hate crimes include

  • A person receiving a threatening letter that they feel has been motivated by their disability
  • A synagogue has a swastika painted on the door and windows smashed.

Organised events include

  • Main LCC libraries will be supporting Hate Awareness Week by celebrating difference.
  • The major libraries will hold displays and two extra book collections for primary and secondary age children will go into Loughborough and Oadby.

Monday 10 October 2016

  • Loughborough Library
    10.30am - 12pm
    Wriggly readers and book corner with specific books highlighting celebrating differences
    The Hate Awareness Project Officer for Leicestershire County Council, Anita Chavda, will deliver a talk on hate awareness and hold a “cake not hate “stall. ( cakes and soft drinks)
  • Cake not Hate event Oadby Library
    1pm - 3pm
    Drop in for a slice of cake and a chat.
  • Leicestershire County Council
    Leicestershire Inter Faith Forum Conference 2016
    5:30pm - 9pm
    Faith Communities working together for the benefit of everyone
    Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, (refreshments and networking) – If you require support to book a place, have any additional needs or specific dietary requirements, please contact us on 0116 305 5501 or

Thursday 13 October 2016

  • Community Relations Forum Event13 October 2016
    5pm - 8pm
    International Friendship Centre, United Reform Church, the Borough, Hinckley, LE10 0EQ  To book your FREE place please contact
    Edwina Grant
    01455 255629, detailing any specific dietary or access requirements.
  • Come Dine with UsThursday 13 October
    11am - 1pm
    Cultural Diversity Event, Free Cuisine from around the world.
    Minnie’s Friends, United Reformed Church, 39 Frederick Street, LE11 3BH
    Interested in finding out more or getting involved? Please email or call 01509 634 522

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