China visit boosts business links

Civic, business and university leaders have signed a trade agreement

China visit boosts business links

Leaders from China’s Sichuan province visited Leicester and Leicestershire to sign a three-year commitment to work together on trade and investment.

The deal – witnessed by civic, business and university leaders - focuses on business, education, culture and sport, and finding commercial opportunities for the wider Midlands region.

Sichuan has been twinned with Leicestershire since 1988 and the event also marked the forthcoming 30-year anniversary.


Thirty years is a significant and remarkable achievement, and I look forward to driving further growth for Leicestershire through strengthened links with China.

Over the last few years our city and county have been catapulted to a global stage. Plus, our reputation for world class education, research and innovation in business makes us an attractive place to do business. This visit is about finding new opportunities for growth.


Councillor Rushton and Sir John Peace, Chair of the Midlands Engine, hosted the visitors, led by Vice Governor Zhu Hexin of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government.


This visit marks a new chapter and one which will build prosperity for the Midlands through this partnership.

We’re one of the fastest growing regions in the world. We attract record levels of foreign investment from China and other nations. 

Next year’s 30-year milestone is a momentous occasion. I hope we can continue to forge even stronger links as China continues to expand its ‘One Belt One Road’ strategy aimed at recreating the historically-important Silk Trade Routes.


Leicester and Leicestershire are in the process of developing a China Strategy to align with the Midlands Engine Vision for Growth aspirations for growing trade and promoting investment with China.

Sichuan is the size of Spain, with 90 million residents and an economy worth £31 billion. The Sichuan-Leicestershire partnership is one of the longest UK-China twinning relationships.

Watch a video of the visit below:

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