Call for feedback on ‘One Council’ proposal

Acting leader, Deborah Taylor, with One Council artwork

People across Leicestershire are being asked for feedback on major proposals to save tens of millions of pounds, protect council services and reduce confusion over who does what. 

Leicestershire County Council is drawing up a common-sense plan to create one council for Leicestershire (excluding Rutland and Leicester City), forging stronger links with communities, reducing duplication and simplifying local government. 

The move comes after the Government made it clear it wants to move away from ‘two tier’ local government and asked councils to work up ideas. 

Now, residents, organisations and businesses are being encouraged to help shape the interim plan by completing a short survey. 


It’s time for change and creating one council is the only sensible option. 

We have the chance to build one council for Leicestershire fit for the 21st century, making life simpler for our residents and offering better value for our Council Tax payers.  

We want what’s best for our residents. But from our previous work, and experiences of other areas that were split up, we don’t believe another option adds up, financially, geographically or logically.  

Splitting the county into two, as some might suggest, is a non-starter creating more pain than gain – fewer savings, more confusion and unhelpful competition for staff. Two sets of everything – from back-office staff to waste collection systems - and less choice about which libraries and waste sites residents could use.

Initial proposals need to be submitted by 21 March with a more detailed plan completed by November. Agreement is needed on local government reorganisation before there could be any devolution from Government. 

Deborah Taylor added: “It's well known that Leicestershire has been frustrated in trying to achieve any devolution of powers and responsibilities, a frustration which has been shared by MPs and district councils.  

“This is a once in a generation change. To help us to make the right decisions, I encourage you to have your say.” 

Complete the survey by 18 March by visiting  or fill in the handy freepost cut out version in Leicestershire Matters, delivered from early March. 



Bringing together eight councils into one single body would: 

  • Save around £30 million, every year - through fewer managers, chief executives and councillors.  
  • Enable savings - to be reinvested in front line services
  • Make it easier to get support - by giving residents clear and simple access to all services, whether by phone, online, or through local area committees.
  • Future-proof services – protecting the support residents depend on at a time when local government is facing spiralling costs.
  • Improve support for vulnerable people – by joining up health, social care and housing services. 
  • Give communities a stronger voice – local area committees would have greater influence over decision-making.  
  • Boost accountability – reducing confusion over who is responsible for what.


Leicestershire Matters

Respond by Sunday 16 March

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