Armed Forces Day in Leicestershire

On Saturday, 25 June, a parade of 400 former and serving military personnel will parade through Leicester

Armed Forces parade in Leicester

The public are invited to show their support for service men and women of all generations by witnessing a parade in Leicester on Saturday 25 June.

The parade is being held to celebrate and raise awareness of the past and continuing role of the military, as part of the nation’s Armed Forces Day celebrations.

People from the city and county are encouraged to watch the parade of Royal British Legion and Veterans' Association Standards, service personnel, veterans and cadets as it makes its way through the streets of Leicester. The parade, which will number more than 400, will be led by the Seaforth Highlanders Regimental Association Pipes and Drums Band.

Royal British Legion County Vice-Chairman, John Standish, said: “This is an opportunity to show our appreciation and support for the men and women of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces who are selflessly and courageously serving our nation in dangerous and volatile parts of the world, and our veterans who have served with distinction in past years."

The parade will be preceded by a service in the cathedral which will be attended by those who will form the parade and the Cottesmore Military Wives Choir will be performing. The Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, the Lord Mayor of Leicester, the Chairman Leicestershire County Council, and other civic dignitaries and representatives of the community will also be attend the service.

The parade will move off at approximately 11.40 a.m. and will make its way behind the pipes and drums of the Seaforth Highlanders, along High Street to the Clock Tower - where the Lord-Lieutenant, Lady Gretton, will take the salute – and then along Gallowtree Gate.

Between 9.30 and 12.30 there will be military display stands in Humberstone Gate including military vehicles, a field ambulance, the RBL, and recruitment stands. The Seaforth Highlanders and the Army Cadets Corp of Drums will be playing alongside the displays.

There will be ample opportunity to witness the parade of service personnel and veterans as it makes its way through the City Centre.

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