Our Digital Library

person reading a book on a tablet

We offer a wide range of downloadable digital media.

Our libraries system is changing in February 2025. There will be a period when some services will be unavailable – for more information see Libraries system change.

Use the free digital library services to download eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers using a smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC.

Discover a whole new world of fiction writers based on your favourite authors using ‘Who Else Writes Like’ (for adult fiction) and ‘Who Next’ (for children’s authors).

BFI Replay is a new, free-to-access, digital archive from the BFI (British Film Institute), exclusively available in UK public lending libraries.

Access to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline.

For consumer advice you can access Which? online for free using our library computers. 

Discover your family history for free using a library computer to access Ancestry Library Edition

Trace your ancestry and build a family tree by researching extensive records

Discover a world of published academic research at your local library with Access to Research 

Access hundreds of historic newspapers from all over Britain and Ireland for free using a library computer