New homes and business space near Lutterworth

Find out the latest about plans designed to create thousands of new homes

We’re re-developing 550-acres to the East of Lutterworth to create 2,750 new homes, 36 acres of business space, over 100 hectares of green space, including protecting Misterton Marshes, schools and around 5,000 new jobs.

Your feedback helped to shape the planning application which was approved by Harborough District Council two years ago and is a key part of their ‘local plan’.

Now, with a vastly different landscape of rising construction costs and a declining housing market, we’re setting out how we will make the scheme a reality, ensure a financial return and boost the local economy.

Our plan

  • Create the business space first - so companies can move in  
  • Develop in phases - and consider options for homes next year  
  • Unlock a prime 30-acre development site on the M1 – by removing the unit size limit and marketing the site   
  • Invest in infrastructure – creating site access, delivering major M1 J20 junction improvements and contributing to Gibbet roundabout improvements   
  • Market the 6-acre Swift Valley Business Park – to create jobs  
  • Work with Harborough District Council – to review the right level of affordable homes in the current market conditions

Timescales depend on planning decisions but it’s hoped to find a developer to create the distribution site later this year, with work hoped to start in 2026.

Decisions about how best to develop the homes element will be considered next year.

Next steps

  • Summer 2024: Applications to Harborough District Council to vary some planning conditions  
  • Late 2024: Developers sought for business space
  • Mid 2025: Start of preparatory work
  • 2026: Work starts to develop business space 

Frequently asked questions

Why has it taken so long?

The pandemic has impacted timescales, as it has done to similar schemes across the country.

Are you still committed to creating the new homes?

Yes - we’re focused on making it financially viable and attractive to developers, reducing the risk to Council Tax payers. The world has changed so this means phasing development and sales to ensure a financial return, even if that delays timescales.

How much is being invested into schools, roads and health services?

Over £63m of section 106 money, mainly for education and road junction improvements – this will be paid for by site developers. 

What are the timescales for the development?

Work on the business space is anticipated to start during 2026.

Can residents have a say?

Your feedback helped to shape the planning application which was approved by Harborough District Council following exhibitions and consultations with residents and other stakeholders. The initial proposals were also scrutinised in public by a planning inspector through the ‘local plan’ process. These steps aren’t a big departure from the original planning consent which was given consent in 2022.

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