School Appeal Panel
Anyone can be a panel member, apart from members or employees of the council. You will get a training before sitting on a panel and you will be entitled to travel expenses when attending the panel hearings and training.
About the role
The role of the independent School Appeal Panel Member is to:
- consider appeals by parents/carers who have been refused a place for their child at their preferred school
- consider information provided by the Admission Authority about why a school place has been refused
- ensure that parents/carers feel they have had a fair and independent hearing and have been given every opportunity to present their case
- carefully balance the arguments with advice from a qualified legal advisor to make a decision on the appeal
Person specification
We are looking for volunteers with:
- good interpersonal and communication skills
- good literacy and listening skills
- ability to remain firm and calm
- integrity
- fairness
- ability to work with other panel members
- an understanding and commitment to the Council’s Equality Strategy
Level of commitment
This can vary. While appeals are held throughout the year, the peak months are between May and September. The appeals are arranged, so that they are heard for half a day or a full day, depending on the number of appeals received. Papers are sent out in advance of the appeal date, and you will need to read them prior to the appeal.
Appeals generally take place at County Hall, Glenfield, although currently they are being held remotely.
To express an interest and to request an application form, please contact Claudia Martin (Education Solicitor) on 0116 305 5811 or email with subject 'Panel Membership'.
School Governors
Governors are one of the largest group of volunteers in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is key to the effectiveness of a school. Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management – and this includes the governing board.
About the role
School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the headteacher and deputy headteacher. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and they work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing the budget.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction
- hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- oversee the financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent
Person specification
Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. Some schools may however be looking for people with particular skills, such as finance or HR. The type of governor you can become depends on your situation, however all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing board.
Once you are appointed as a governor, there is a comprehensive training programme available.
There are vacancies for governors at schools throughout Leicestershire. If you are interested, please contact Governor Support and Development – email or telephone 0116 305 6503.