Temporary opportunities currently available with the council are listed below. The list gets updated regularly, so please continue to check this page for the latest opportunities.
Adults and Communities Engagement Panel
Our Adults and Communities Department is looking for new volunteer members to join its Engagement Panel. If you live in Leicestershire and have personal experience of accessing adult social care services, care for someone who does or has a vested interest in improving services, then we would be delighted to hear from you.
The Engagement Panel consists of volunteer members and the department's senior leaders, including its director.
The volunteer members come from all walks of life, with a diverse array of physical and psychological needs, and use their experiences to advise the department on how it can improve services and ensure that its key decisions are shaped by residents, people who draw on care and support. Your valuable insights help us to give better support to vulnerable adults within the wider community to live active, independent, and fulfilling lives.
The Panel is always open to welcoming new volunteers to ensure it represents the whole population of the county and the people that adult social care has contact with.
I wanted to make a positive difference to people’s lives and help them gain knowledge and access to the help they are entitled to. I also wanted to represent people like me, who have physical disabilities as we often have to fight to be heard.
Person:Ellie, current member of the Engagement Panel
If you are interested in becoming an Engagement Panel member or would like to find out more, please email a&c-strategy@leics.gov.uk or call 0116 305 4886. For further information, please visit the Leicestershire Communities website.
Multiply Support
Multiply is a new project that aims to create opportunities for adults to develop numeracy skills to help improve employment prospects and life chances. A variety of courses are being offered to engage Leicestershire residents with maths in everyday situations.
As a Multiply volunteer, you could be involved with supporting learners on courses including cooking, budgeting, digital skills, and basic maths.
The roles will be at a variety of venues around the county.
Volunteers will be supported by coordinators and tutors to:
- gain experience interacting with the public in a learning environment and enhance your communication skills
- build your confidence
- link in with the learning opportunities across the wider Adult Learning Service - GoLearn
- have the opportunity to shadow tutors
We are looking for volunteers with:
- good basic maths skills
- good communication skills and confident engaging with the public
- experience of teaching/supporting people
- basic understanding of confidentiality, safeguarding and data protection
- health and safety awareness
To volunteer, please complete our application form and email it back to susan.bray@leics.gov.uk.
Sexual Health Services Panel
Do you live in Leicestershire or Rutland?
Have you ever used the sexual health services in these counties? This could be anything including from a Clinic, GP or pharmacy.
Can you support us in the process of finding a new supplier for these services?
We need a panel of around 5 – 6 people to meet virtually and create scenario questions for the potential new suppliers of the sexual health services. You will then meet again to evaluate the answers given.
You will NOT be discussing your use of the service and your details will not be recorded anywhere on the final documents that are sent out.
Each session will be via TEAMS and will last around 90 minutes. You must be able to attend both dates:
- 18 May from 7pm
- 27 July from 7pm
If you are interested in taking part, or have any questions please email phconsultations@leics.gov.uk before 12 May.
We look forward to hearing from you!