Health and Wellbeing Boards were established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to act as a forum in which key leaders from the local health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of residents.
The Board aims to do the following:
- Identify needs and priorities across Leicestershire, and publish and refresh the Leicestershire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) so that future commissioning / policy decisions and priorities are based on evidence.
- Prepare and publish a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and plan on behalf of the County Council and its partner clinical commissioning groups so that work is done to meet the needs identified in the JSNA in a co-ordinated, planned and measurable way.
- Communicate and engage with local people in how they can achieve the best possible quality of life and be supported to exercise choice and control over their personal health and wellbeing in conjunction with all partners.
- To approve the Better Care Fund Plan including a pooled budget used to transform local services so people are provided with better integrated care and support together with proposals for its implementation.
- To have oversight of the use of relevant public sector resources to identify opportunities for the further integration of health and social care services.
Please see the terms of reference for further detail:
Who is on the Board
Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing board is a partnership chaired by the County Council Lead member for Health, and includes representatives from the Integrated Care Board, Healthwatch, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Leicester, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Police and Local Authority partners.
Further details on the membership with contact details can be found on the democracy website.