Susan Ireland

Mon - Wed: 07:30 am-05:30 pm
Thu - Fri: 07:30 am-09:00 am, 03:15 pm-05:30 pm
£3.50 per hour

I have been a childminder for over 21 years and love all aspects of the role I play in both the child and the family's life. I am extremely active and place a high emphasis on healthy living. I like to take the children out daily for a walk and visit our local park. I also have a healthy eating plan and the children are involved in trying new foods and having a wide choice of menus. I enjoy a good rapport with our local primary school as both my sons attended there and I am well known amongst the staff and parents. I believe I can provide children with a home from home experience. Whilst benefiting from play with other children they are also involved in usual everyday tasks, e.g. pegging out washing. I am hoping to do my third degree in September in childcare through distance learning as I would like to achieve accredited childminder status. I always believe you are never too old to learn!