Sarah Jane Leggatt

Mon - Fri: 07:30 am-06:00 pm
£4.00 per hour

I live in a quiet cul-de-sac with my husband, children and family pets (cats and dogs). We are a warm and loving family and welcome everyone into our home. We have a secure enclosed garden and access to a large playing field (known locally as the dip) where we will visit regularly. I have had 6 years' experience caring for children (other than my own), on a reciprocal basis before registering with Ofsted in July 2013 and had my first inspection in January 2014 where I was graded as "good". I provide lots of arts and crafts activities and have a wide range of toys and resources suitable for all age groups. I regularly visit the library and tots groups and take the children on outings to local parks and recreation grounds.