Samantha Frattaroli

Mon - Thu: 07:30 am-05:30 pm
Fri: 07:30 am-04:30 pm
£5.00 per hour

I am married with 2 grown up children. I have been an Ofsted registered childminder since 2009. I have a certificate of Higher Education in Early Childhood (Level 4), with an Ofsted grade Good. I am also currently studying a (BA) Hons in Early Childhood. I have a full UK driving license. I offer a warm environment where children feel safe. At my setting I offer a range of activities, allowing children to play indoors and outdoors. I take the children on lots of outings In the local area e.g.local park, library etc. I have also volunteered at the local pre-school when they have needed me. I offer the childcare funding (FEEE) including the extended 30 hours to 3 & 4 year olds and also 15 hours for eligible 2 year olds. I am available for before and after school care and also school holidays. I am able to do drop offs and collection from the local primary school and pre school (The meadows Community Primary and Pre school). I work closely with another registered childminder and often meet up to allow the children to mix with lots of other children that do not necessarily attend my setting.