Newcroft Cp School Breakfast Club

Newcroft Pre-School offers pre-school placements for children aged 3 and 4 years. Established in 2011, we pride ourselves on our 'learning through play' approach whilst adhering to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum framework. The childcare we provide encourages confidence and skills in all seven areas of learning which your child will use throughout their lives. Here at Newcroft Pre-School we are in the privileged position of being attached to Newcroft Primary School which allows us to utilise the school's vast range of indoor and outdoor learning environments to provide learning opportunities linked to your child's interests and development needs. The close links with Newcroft Primary School also provide for a smooth and child-centred transition into the Reception. The pre-school children experience an increasing range of opportunities to get used to main school life during their time with us.