Elkie Rachel Mawdsley

Mon - Thu: 07:00 am-05:30 pm
£5.00 per hour

I live with my husband and three sons in the beautiful village of Croft in Leicestershire.

I have been a childminder for the last 10 years and have welcomed many children into my home, where they quickly became part of our extended childminding family.

My welcoming home has a separate playroom where most of our activities take place. It is somewhere the children are able to make their own and they are able to display their artwork with pride, move around the toys and equipment to meet their imaginations and snuggle down for a story and cuddle when needed. We also enjoy lots of time outside, be it at local parks, farms, museums, or walks. We also enjoy lots of time outside in our wonderful garden.

I am open Monday to Thursday from 7:00 to 17:30.

My charges are £5.00 per hour.

I am currently full and have no vacancies until September 2025.