As a business or commercial organisation you are legally required to dispose of your waste responsibly. This is part of your duty of care.
There are a number of ways to dispose of commercial waste:
- use a trade waste service provided by your district council
- use a licensed waste contractor
- take your waste to a waste transfer station
- hire a skip
The Right Waste Right Place campaign gives advice to small businesses and establishments on meeting their Duty of Care obligations as practically as possible, to ensure their waste is properly disposed of.
Simpler Recycling for businesses/non domestic premises
New regulations will soon require businesses to separate recyclable materials from general waste.
From the 31 March, workplaces that generate waste similar in nature and composition to household waste must separate dry recyclable waste (glass, metal and plastic and cardboard and paper), food waste and black bin waste from each other.
Examples of such workplaces include:
- Offices
- retail and wholesale
- transport and storage
- charities
- places of worship
- penal institutes
- places of education
- care homes
There is no minimum weight for food waste collections.
Small businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees are temporarily exempt until 31 March 2027.
WRAP have a dedicated website with useful information The Business of Recycling. Further guidance can also be found on Simpler recycling: workplace recycling in England | GOV.UK.
Waste upholstered domestic seating
We are currently unable to accept any upholstered domestic seating at our Whetstone Waste Transfer Station. This includes (but not necessarily limited to) any furniture item with cushioning and padding, such as:
- sofas, settees, sofa beds, dining/office style chairs, futons, pouffes, floor and seating cushions and beanbags etc.
Whetstone Transfer Station
You can take some types of business and commercial waste to the Whetstone Transfer Station. As a trade user you must report to the weighbridge when you arrive.
- We do not accept asbestos, car parts or plasterboard at the waste transfer station
- We do not accept cash or cheque payments - credit and debit cards only
- Traders must have the following: Environment Agency Waste Carriers Licence (Current), PPE (Hi-Viz), Safety Boots etc..
Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer
Opening hours
Closed every bank holiday with the exception of Good Friday
Monday - Friday: 7.45am - 5.00pm – last admittance 4.40pm
Saturday: Closed
Whetstone Transfer Station is located next to Whetstone Recycling and Household Waste Site.
Payment and trade waste accounts
You do not require an account in order to use the Whetstone Waste Transfer Station trade or public weigh services, you can pay by credit or debit card at the time of tipping - we do not accept cash or cheque payments.
Alternatively, you can apply for a trade waste account online. You will need:
- to upload a copy of your current waste carriers licence
- to provide two trade references that your company has a credit account with
- to complete all sections of the application form.
Once all checks have been carried out you will be notified if your application for a trade account has been approved. Please note the maximum credit limit available is £500 per month.
Apply for a trade waste account
Charges for disposing waste
There has been some increase in our prices. This is due to the removal of red diesel (which affects both our waste transfer station and end destinations), high inflation on white diesel, higher vehicle and plant costs and the national insurance rise – in addition to the usual landfill tax increases. We'll keep these under review to ensure they remain both sustainable and cost effective.
There is a minimum charge of £28.50 + VAT (£34.20 including VAT) for disposing of waste.
If you are disposing waste which weighs a full tonne, you will be charged the rate per tonne for that particular waste.
If the waste weighs less than a tonne you will either pay a proportion of the charge or the minimum charge, whichever is greater.
Charges vary for different types of waste.
Asbestos, explosives and radioactive waste is not accepted.