Draft flood risk management and river basin management plans

The county council has been working with the Environment Agency to produce draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) and River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) for public consultation, and we now want to hear your views.

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Draft River Basin Management Plans 


This consultation is now closed. It ran from 22 October 2021 - 22 April 2022. 

As well as our local Flood Risk Management Plans, the Environment Agency is running a 6 month public consultation on draft River Basin Management Plans. The draft RBMPs are strategic plans for protecting and improving the water environment and cover the 11 designated river basins of the UK.  

Leicestershire largely falls into the Humber river basin, with parts of Harborough District and Melton Borough falling into the Anglian river Basin.  

View the published responses

Details can be found at Draft river basin management plans on the Environment Agency's website.


Draft Flood Risk Management Plans 


This consultation is now closed. It ran from 22 October 2021 - 21 January 2022. 

The draft FRMPs are strategic plans that have actions to address surface water and river and sea flooding and set out how to manage flood risk in nationally identified flood risk areas (FRAs) for the period 2021-2027. These are statutory plans required by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009

In Leicestershire, we have three specific Flood Risk Management Plans which cover the areas of:

  • Loughborough (Humber River Catchment),  
  • Hinckley and Burbage (Humber River Catchment) and  
  • Market Harborough (Anglian River Catchment).  

View the published responses

Details can be found at Draft flood risk management plans on the Environment Agency's website.