Not all workers are social workers.
Social worker teams
Your placement in care is arranged by the social worker teams. They make sure your health and education needs are taken of, help you stay in touch with your family (if this is right for you) and make sure your placement is giving you the best possible care.
You may get help from the:
First Response Children's Duty (FRCD)
FRCD aims to make sure that all families receive the right service at the right time. This will be different for all families, based on their needs. In some cases, an assessment may be required to determine what the right services may be.
If you have concerns for a child’s safety, you should telephone FRCD on 0116 305 0005. If you are a professional, you should follow up your call by completing the online multi-agency referral from to provide evidence of your concern.
If you have concerns that a child is in imminent danger, you should consider calling the police for an emergency response.
Locality Fieldwork Teams
These teams will work with children and families who are children in need, including children with a disability and children at risk of harm. The teams aim to keep children free of harm and to support every child in partnership with families and other agencies to have maximum opportunity to reach their potential.
Children in Care (CiC) Service
The CiC Service will support the needs of children in care who cannot remain in their parents’ or family’s care, care experienced young people (care leavers) and unaccompanied children.
Our promise sets out the commitment of the council and partners to provide the best support, guidance and care to our children in care and care experienced young people. It demonstrates that we value them for their individuality, provide stability and offer aspirational life opportunities. Our promise makes a commitment directly to children, young people and their families in the following key areas:
- We will provide emotional support
- Whatever you do, we will be there
- Ensure all your needs are met
- Provide advice, information, practical and financial support
- We will make sure you know what your rights are
- We will not judge you if things go wrong, we all make mistakes
Members of the social worker teams
You may get help from one or more members of the social worker teams. They can help you to understand what each members does and who might be involved in your care.
Extended Young Peoples Support Worker
Extended Young Peoples Support Workers are usually based in the Children in Care teams and help social workers with their work. They work with older children and young people who are leaving care.
Support Workers
Support Workers deal with a lot of the running around and manage tasks like taking you places and helping to move your things.
Support and Assessment Workers
Support and Assessment Workers work on cases they are leading on and are experienced in working with children and young people. They also oversee contact with your family (if needed).
Registered Social Workers
Registered Social Workers are experienced in working with children and families and are the main people involved in making sure your placement meets all your needs. They’ll organise your reviews, medicals, education needs and any other requirements you may have.
Senior Practitioners
Senior Practitioners are registered social worker with lots of experience of working with children and young people. They work on their own cases and help workers with less experience with their cases.