Local offer for care leavers

Your memories

It is important that you have information about your childhood and upbringing, including why you were in care.

  • While in care, your carer or placement is encouraged to keep personal information in a secure, virtual memory box. You will get access to this from between 16 and 18 and it will be available for as long as you need. This information can range from photos and mementos to school reports and other records of your progress and achievements.
  • When you are 18, you will be provided with a leaving care health summary. This document gives you information about your health history, such as vaccinations dates and any medical conditions you may have had when you were a child.
  • You have a right to see the information we keep about you, including the files and records written about you when you were in our care. Once you turn 18 your personal advisor can help you to make a Subject Access Request to do this. Your personal advisor will also make sure they are there to help you understand this information and offer support if some of what you read might be upsetting to you.