Forms planned maintenance: Forms on our website will not be available on Tuesday 25 February, from 8am to 12noon due to planned maintenance.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Targeted young people

You can find support for targeted young people from lots of different organisations, including the Family Help Service (previously known as Children and Family Wellbeing Service)

Support available

You can find information and advice with links to lots of different organisations in our Information and Support Directory and you can follow the Youth service on Facebook and Instagram.

The Family Help Service offer various support in the form of groups and one to one work with the young person or the whole family. They aim to ensure that families have access to the support they need and develop positive behaviours and relationships.


Access to this support is completely confidential.

Group support

These groups allow young people to meet and work with others who have similar life experiences.

CYCLe - Youth forum

Who is CYCLe - Youth forum for

This group is for young people who are interested in volunteering within the Family Help Service. Young people are given time and space to participate in Voice and influence work, that allows young people in the service to influence and improve it.

Aims of the CYCLe - Youth forum

By participating in this group young people can expect to:

  • attend interview training
  • gain knowledge about how councils and committees operate
  • have the experience of chairing meetings and taking part in presentations
  • have the opportunity to shape the Family Help service via youth work week and voice events
  • learn how to reflect on their own behaviour in groups and find ways to create sustainable ways of working groups that meets their own needs
  • have the opportunity to work with other professionals within the council on various projects and campaigns
  • be given the opportunity to build peer friendships and have fun whilst being part of something bigger that is for the benefit of themselves in the wider community

Who is IMPACT for

For young people out in the community who may be involved in antisocial behaviour.

Aims of the IMPACT group

Street-based youth workers deliver interventions countywide to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour within local areas. The team also identify the needs of the groups and individuals that they meet and tailor activities accordingly.

SEND 11-16 years, and SEND 16+ Youth groups
Young carers group

Who is the Young carers group for

A group for young people, aged 11- 19 years old, who provide regular and on-going care and emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misuses substances.

Aims of the Young carers group

To meet other young people in similar situations to them and to gain support from youth workers.

One-to-one support

These services provide personal support to young people, to improve different aspects of their lifestyle, such as parenting skills, emotional and physical health and wellbeing, and behaviour management.

Standard and enhanced youth support

Who is the youth support for

To be considered for this direct one-to-one work, at least 2 of the following factors need to be identified:

  • Low level child criminal exploitation (CCE) or child sexual exploitation (CSE)
  • Low level mental health – e.g., anxiety, low mood, self-esteem, confidence issues and identity issues
  • Education – at risk of not being in education, employment or training (NEET), low attendance or behaviour in school
  • Bullying behaviours or being bullied
  • Relationship issues within the family or household, or being at risk of homelessness
  • Risk-taking behaviours such as substance misuse, low level anti-social behaviour or peer pressure
  • Repeated missing from home episodes
  • Unhealthy peer relationships, sexual relationships and domestic abuse
  • LGBTQ awareness and sexuality issues

Aims of the youth support

An allocated youth worker will offer the young person support and guidance on the issues that are affecting them for up to 3 months for standard support, and up to 6 months for enhanced support if they require extra help.

Project responsive

Who is Project responsive for

This one-to-one support is for the most complex and targeted children, who require additional support.

Aims of Project responsive support

To be responsive to the needs of the young people with their voice being central to anything we do. The role of the project response worker is to be consistent, develop a trusting and professional relationship, and support young people in areas that the young person believes to be important to them.

Safer returns project

Who is the Safe returns project for

This support is for young people who have been reported as missing.

Aims of the Safe returns project

We receive a notification from the police when a young person goes missing. Youth workers then respond to the reports by undertaking a missing return interview with the young person within 72 hours to establish the reasons why they went missing and to identify needs and safeguarding concerns. We only do this work when we receive a notification from the police.

We also deliver street-based youth work in areas with high rates of missing children and young people.

Further information and requesting a service

For further information on our services, contact details and requesting a service, please visit our Help for children and families home page.