Children’s Social Care National Framework

Read about our approach to implementing the Children’s Social Care National Framework.

Our vision and aspirations for our children and families is driven and supported by the implementation of the Children’s Social Care National Framework (GOV.UK) and reflects the core values and behaviours that we believe are foundations for practice.

Our plan: achieving excellence through purposeful practice

This sets out the core behaviours and values that underpin all we do and:

  • Demonstrates our commitment to be child focused, ambitious and drive positive outcomes 
  • Being accountable for the quality of our work
  • Shares an ambition and vision to provide excellent services

The plan clearly sets out how we will achieve our ambitions and what success looks like putting children at the heart of our practice, working in partnership other agencies and our children and their families. The plan reflects the 6 principles and below is how we are embedding them into our everyday practice:

Children’s welfare is paramount

The child/young person is at the centre of our decision making that their safety and wellbeing is the most important thing.

Children’s wishes and feelings are sought and heard and responded to

We hear the voice or how best they communicate. Children and young people are encouraged to share their wishes and feelings so that we understand their lived experiences.  This is taken into account and is reflected within practitioners work and service design.

Children’s Social Care works in partnership with whole families

Our practice framework is Signs of Safety which is about working collaboratively with families and their wider network to identify solutions that will work for their family. We take a trauma informed approach to practice which recognises that a family’s history and experience can impact on how they present and access services.

Children are raised by their families with their family networks or in family environments wherever possible

We work with families to understand their difficulties through our assessments to make sure that they get the support that they need. We use family network meetings to bring families together to understand their experiences and identify support what they might offer to strengthen or repair relationships.  Where it is not been possible for a child to remain within their family, we maintain their important connections and work hard to make sure that they have a sense of belonging and live in a safe, stable loving home.

Local authorities work with other agencies to effectively identify and meet the needs of children, young people and families

We have strong relationships with our partner agencies across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, and multi-agency decision making takes place at the earliest opportunity, ensuring that families access the right support at the right time.

Local authorities consider the economic and social circumstances that may impact children, young people and families

Practitioners develop cultural genograms with families to understand their social GGRRAAACCEEESSS and how these interconnects and influences their lived experiences. We link families to community resources through our Family Hubs.

Our plan is underpinned by the key enablers of the National Framework:

  • Multi-agency working
  • Leaders creating conditions for effective practice
  • A workforce that is equipped and effective

The outcomes described in the National Framework are what children’s social care should achieve for the children, young people, and families they support. They reflect the core purpose of children’s social care. There are 4 outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: children, young people and families stay together and get the help they need 
  • Outcome 2: children and young people are supported by their family network 
  • Outcome 3: children and young people are safe in and outside of their homes 
  • Outcome 4: children in care and care leavers have stable, loving homes
How we're embedding the application of the Framework to meet these outcomes
  • By making it central to our plan: Achieving Excellence through purposeful practice which drives everything that we do
  • Our case notes and key documents are written to the child
  • Seeking children and young people’s views through having a dedicated Children’s Rights and Participation Team 
  • By making it central to our career progression pathway that in progressing our staff need to evidence how their practice reflects the practice principles and has helped achieve the outcomes of the framework. These expectations are set out in our Social Work Career handbook and our in our Guidance on how we will grow our Social Work Practitioners.
  • Biannually senior managers go out into practice for three days observing different activities and talk with children and families hearing directly their experiences of our services. This provides the opportunity to observe the implementation of the framework within practice.
  • We have a Voice Strategy underpinned by the Lundy model; the plan is driven forward by a voice network.  The voices of children, young people and families is regularly sought and feeds into the commissioning and delivery of our services and support. 
  • We are revising our Quality Assurance Framework so that we will be able to measure practice against the National Framework. This methodology already involves auditors seeking views from children and families.
  • We continue to work with our partner agencies to develop multi agency learning opportunities to share knowledge and resources, through strategic and operational groups. We work with partner organisations in our Family Hubs to provide a one-stop shop and offer advice, information and resources to help families. We have established a shared trauma informed approach across LLR so everyone can engage constructively in delivering effective support to children, young people and families.
  • Our leaders drive conditions for effective practice through ensuring our staff have a strong development offer, influenced by what workers say they need. There is a strong emphasis on staff wellbeing and there is a robust offer in place. Social Workers are provided with an additional 3 CPD days on an annual basis to make sure that workers have the time for professional development and learning.
  • We have invested in the Practice Excellence Team who support and develop practice, through 1-1, group support and training.
  • We have a dedicated Team Families Together team whose role is to provide intensive support to families on the edge of family breakdown. 
  • We will continue to provide 3 annual conferences (Social Work Conference, Pride in Practice and Leadership Conference) providing the opportunity to come together to set out our expectations, review where we are and share great practice.
  • We are involved in discussions on the development of the performance dashboard nationally which will provide a further opportunity to measure ourselves against the outcomes of the Framework. 
  • We co-produce documents with our Children in Care Council such as the Language that Cares Toolkit. 

All of this along with our dedicated workforce has led us to be rated as outstanding by Ofsted.