Get advice or make a referral to the Inclusion service

You can contact the Inclusion service if you're concerned about a child's or young person's access to, or inclusion in, high quality education, employment, or training.


Tell us about part-time timetables, suspensions, mid-year moves and any concerns over attendance for children with an EHCP using our Record Absence Data form.

Where children are without a school place, the first point of contact for schools and families is the Admissions Service who are the only local authority service able to allocate school places to children (unless they have an EHCP or are Looked After).

However, where children remain out of education for a significant amount of time, they will come under the remit of the Inclusion Service as a Child Missing Education (CME). The Inclusion Service maintain oversight of these children and meet regularly with the Admissions Service to review the progress of cases.

Get advice

If you’re a:

  • young person and are concerned about not enough support available post 16 for education, employment, or training

Or if you’re a:

  • parent/carer
  • school/professional

and are concerned about:

  • needs not being met or behaviour not being managed in an educational setting
  • missing or at risk of missing education (low or no attendance at school)
  • how to receive an education with medical needs
  • issues around home schooling
  • anything else to prevent access to, or inclusion in, a high-quality education

you can call or email the Inclusion service for information and advice:

Initial enquiries can be made anonymously, without providing details.

Young people, parents, and carers

You can access support from the service by calling or emailing us:

Make a referral

Schools or professionals

You can fill in our Inclusion service general enquiry form. Please note that this form is for requesting general advice and support.

If you need to make a referral, please use the online Inclusion service referral form.


Where permanent exclusion is being considered, please call the service on 0116 305 2071.

Please also follow the necessary safeguarding procedures if you feel that there are safeguarding concerns. The contact details for First response can be found on our report abuse or neglect of a child page.

If you're unable to complete the online form, please call the service on 0116 305 2071.

You'll need to have actioned items in this checklist, before completing the referral form.

If you wish to act on your concerns and request support from the Inclusion service, you can make a referral using the online Inclusion service referral form.

Please note that referrals cannot be made anonymously because we require information about the child or young person to support them.

Parental consent

Parental consent is required for referrals regarding:

  • needs not being met or behaviour not being managed in an educational setting
  • how to receive an education with medical needs
  • SEND

Parental consent isn't required for referrals regarding:

  • missing or at risk of missing education (low or no attendance at school)
  • providing information or raising concerns when a child is being removed from the school roll