Before applying for a school place
If transport is an important consideration to you in deciding which school your child should go to, please consider our school transport policy and eligibility criteria as this is different to the school admissions policy.
For most school children, you will not be eligible for school transport if you live within:
- 2 miles from your home address (for primary schools)
- 3 miles from your home address (for secondary schools)
Please do not assume that transport will be automatically provided, particularly if it is not your nearest school, or beyond the above mentioned distances.
After submitting your application for a school place
The school admissions service will automatically share applicant information with the school transport team, you will not need to do anything (this applies to September start for reception and year 7 only).
The school transport team:
- will make contact with parents/carers who’s child(ren) are eligible for school transport
- will not make contact with those that don’t meet the eligibility criteria
- will do some additional checks for those children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or who are entitled to Free School Meals, to determine eligibility.
Moving school during term time (mid-term applications) and school transport
Enquire online about eligibility for mainstream school transport before you apply for your school place to ensure you are making an informed decision.
If you are confirmed as eligible for school transport, there may be a delay between the date that your child starts at a new school, and the date that your transport arrangements start.
We aim to arrange transport within 15 days of confirming eligibility (as long as you have a place at your new school confirmed), however during peak periods this can be longer.