Supported Lodgings Hosts

At 16-21 years old, most young people are not ready to go out into the world alone, without any support. Could you welcome a young person into your home and support them on a positive journey into adulthood and independence?

Supported Lodgings Hosts

Contract: Full-time

Pay/salary: £306.20 per week allowance per week, per young person whilst they stay with you

Home-based: Supported Lodgings Hosts can be in employment

Supported Lodgings Hosts offer a room in their home to a young person over 16 years old. They offer help and guidance with things like learning to cook and doing laundry, managing money and planning for their future.

This helps to prepare young people for adulthood and independence, by developing essential life skills. It often gives them an invaluable opportunity to gain confidence in an encouraging and safe and supportive environment too.

What being a Supported Lodgings Host involves

  • Offering support, guidance and a room in your home to a young person in care aged 16+
  • Providing support with tasks such as learning to cook a meal, helping to manage their finances, plan for the future or use public transport

From day 1 of arriving here I have learnt so much. My independent skills are very good - I can cook, budget financially, save money, prioritise bills, and do simple repairs and maintenance (like re-wiring a plug, or putting shelves up). I have completed Level 2 Carpentry and Level 2 Painting and Decorating.

My confidence has gone from very little to amazing. They do not judge me - K & A listen and talk, and the support is fantastic.

What you'll need to be a Supported Lodgings Host

  • Carers can be in employment but would need to be generally available to the young person
  • A spare bedroom for sole use of the young person
  • A general understanding of (and potentially experience of dealing with) some of the needs and issues facing many young people
  • Patience and a commitment to provide a supportive, encouraging and safe environment

What we offer our Supported Lodgings Hosts

  • £306.20 per week allowance per week, per young person whilst they stay with you
  • Access to a wealth of training and qualifications
  • Ongoing, regular support from our team

My wife and I have had a young person living with us, in our spare room, for a period of time now. They just operate as a family member, attending birthday parties, and coming on holiday as a family.

We have not had our own family ourselves, so it’s really good for us to have some people that we can see and feel that we’re helping to develop and grow.

If support was needed, we know it would be there. Also, there are loads of training opportunities are available; some online courses, and there’s also a support group for the Hosts – we get together and just exchange our best practices and stories.

Living here can obviously be different compared to an average teenager’s life, however, in the little time I have been here, I am a lot less stressed, more relaxed, and K & A talk to me like a young adult, and we respect one another.

Although my journey here is still very new, I am grateful for the opportunity given to me, and think more adults should consider being a Supported Lodgings Host to develop young people on their road to independence.

Find out about fostering events

To find out more about fostering in general, or becoming a Supported Lodgings Host, why not book a space on one of our upcoming information events? We hold both physical and virtual events throughout the year, and aim to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Tell me more about supported lodgings

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1. By phone

Call us on 0116 305 0505

Lines are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (8.30am - 4.30pm), Tuesday and Thursday (8.30am - 8pm)

Or text WEAREFAMILY to 60777

2. Using our secure fostering enquiry form

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