Have you been thinking about fostering but worried about finances? Take a look at the Payments and allowances.
Step 1: Find out more about fostering
Some people tell us that they have been ‘thinking’ about fostering for many years. We would encourage you to get in touch with us for a chat and we will answer any questions you may have.
You can:
- call us on 0116 305 05 05
- find us on Facebook @fosteringleicestershire where you can see details of our events, relevant information and get in touch
- come along to one of our ‘find out about fostering’ events where you can hear from some of our foster carers and find out about the different types of foster care
After you've found out a bit about fostering and got in contact with us, you can book an ‘initial visit’ which is where a member of our team visits you at home to talk in more detail about you and your interest in fostering.
You can spend as much time in the ‘finding out’ stage as you would like, as it’s important to only progress to applying when you feel ready. Our recruitment team can offer support and information throughout this time.
We chose to foster for the County Council as, at the initial open evening, we were impressed by the promise of support and training. The staff were friendly and approachable, and it seemed like the most obvious and practical decision for us.
Person:Leicestershire foster carer
Step 2: Applying and training
If you decide that you would like to apply to become a foster carer and feel ready to progress, then after your initial visit and once your application has been accepted, you will be invited on to stage 1 of the process.
Stage 1: Checks, references and training
Lasts for 2 months.
Checks and references are requested.
Our ‘skills to foster’ training course takes place during this stage and runs flexibly to allow for working hours etc.
Lots of training is available through the council. We have a number of mandatory courses that we need to make sure that we're up to date with, so the likes of health and safety and protecting youngsters. But there's also a whole suite of other courses that we can participate in if we think it's going to be valuable for us, and for the people that we're looking after.
Leicestershire foster carer
Stage 2: Social worker allocation and training
Lasts for 4 months.
You'll be allocated your own social worker who will visit you at home several times to find out all about you and help to find out the types of fostering you are most suited to.
Stage 2 training explores fostering in more depth and offers the opportunity to hear from children in care and other foster carers too.
We’ve found that the social workers at Leicestershire are great. They give clear information, they answer calls every time, and are reliable. I have had a poor experience with a different local authority, but Leicestershire’s procedures, processes, information, and support are exceptional!
Person:Leicestershire foster carer
Stage 3: Approval and matching
Your application will be taken to panel for a recommendation to become an approved foster carer.
After approval, through knowing you and the skills you have to offer gained during stages 1 and 2, our team then carefully match you with the right child or young person(s) to start your fostering journey.
Approval will be the end of your application process but the beginning of an amazing journey as a foster carer with Leicestershire County Council.
We’ve learnt a lot about ourselves in this part of the process as you do quite a lot of reflection on your personal experiences of parenting. It’s fascinating!
Person:Leicestershire foster carer