Roads, pavement and street lighting
If the issue you are reporting is related to a problem with a road, pavement or street light and you’ve not reported it before, please use our online highways reporting form
If you feel that we’ve done something wrong or you’ve not received the standard of service you expect, you can complain to us.
We provide a wide range of services, and always strive to make sure that they are both high quality and value for money.
We’re keen to hear your comments and feedback, both positive and negative, to ensure our services are working as well as possible for you.
You can pass on a compliment or just submit general comments on our service through our online feedback form
Most problems can be resolved by talking through the issue with either the person you’ve been dealing with or their manager.
However if you’d like to make a complaint, fill in our online complaints form
British Sign Language video telling you what to do if you want to make a complaint about council services (duration 2:21).
If you think a vulnerable adult is being abused by a care worker or in a care home report it to Adult Social Care.
If you’re unhappy with the standard of care you or someone else is getting at home from a care worker or a care home, speak to the care worker or manager of the care agency or care home.
If you’re not happy with their response, contact Adult Social Care.
If you’re unhappy about decisions made by Adult Social Care about your care and support, speak to your allocated social care worker or their manager.
If you’re not happy with the response from Adult Social Care, contact the Complaints and Information Team using the online complaints form or write, email or telephone using the contact details provided.
We don’t have any role in school complaints; you should contact your child’s school directly.
For more information on making a complaint to a school, see Complain about a school.
Complaints about councillors are dealt with by our Monitoring Officer.
The Monitoring Officer determines whether or not the complaint can be resolved informally. If it cannot be dealt with informally, it could then be referred to the Member Conduct Panel.
If you would like to make a complaint please check the guidance and online councillor complaint form.
We will write to you within 3 days of receiving your complaint to tell you we have received it. We will tell you who will be investigating it and when you can expect an answer.
We will investigate the complaint and depending on the seriousness of the complaint, we may ask an independent investigator to look at it. We may ask you to meet us and the care provider to find a solution to the problem.
We will write to you to tell you the results of our investigation.
We aim to respond to most complaints within 20 working days but some complex complaints may take longer. The respective complaints policy documents appended on this page set out the maximum timescales for each complaint type.
Contact the Complaints and Information Team if you’re not happy with the findings of our investigation or how we’ve dealt with your complaint.
The Complaints and Information Team will advise on the appropriate escalation route which will ultimately conclude with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The Ombudsman will usually expect you to have gone through the council’s complaints process before they can consider your complaint. The Council will make it clear when all local stages have been exhausted.