30 years of fostering: Wendy and William

Read about the #FosteringMoments that have stuck with Wendy and William as they celebrate 30 years of fostering. ✍ Wendy and William, Leicestershire Foster Carers

A couple posing for the camera and smiling

Foster carers across Leicestershire undertake essential work year-round as they care for our looked-after children and young people.

During Foster Care Fortnight 2024, we are celebrating the big and small #FosteringMoments that define the journeys of our fostering families. We want to celebrate the moments that meant everything to a young person, the moments that helped to build connections amongst fostering families, and the moments that continue to live on as happy memories.

Wendy and William have been married for 43 years and have been fostering for over 30 of those. During their time, they have fostered 22 babies (11 boys and 11 girls), adopted 2 young people, and raised 2 birth children.

Over the three decades, they estimate to have sterilised approximately 40,000 bottles, changed over 50,000 nappies, and owned over 15 pushchairs! 

“Despite the facts and figures, a true test of a foster parent is the ability to provide love, safety, and security to children.

All the children we have cared for have been our biggest achievements. The fact that we have provided a home for these babies at the beginning of their journey in life is our biggest success and our legacy. We feel privileged to have been in these children’s lives - we have loved every one of them. 

We are proud to carry the title of ‘Foster Parents’.”

Our Legacy 

Boy or Girl, we don’t mind!

No time to prepare, we don’t care!

We will definitely find you something nice to wear!


They may stay a week, a month, or a year!

If only we knew, but nothing is ever clear.


Colic, teething, nappy rash.

Your first smile, crawling, walking, talking.

So many milestones in your first year!

 As your foster parents, we really do care;

we record them all so no one forgets.


We save your first outfit and special teddy bear,

and take lots of photos so we can share the wonderful time you spent in our care.

Please don’t forget us ‘little one’.

We are always here ❤️


Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign organised by The Fostering Network. It aims to raise awareness of fostering and demonstrate how it can change lives. It offers a chance to reflect on and celebrate the commitment, passion, and dedication shown by all foster carers. More information can be found on the The Fostering Network website.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a foster carer with Leicestershire, or have any questions about fostering, please contact the fostering team on 0116 305 0505 or email fostering@leics.gov.uk.

You can also follow our Fostering Facebook for regular updates, including the important #FosteringMoments of some of our other foster carers.

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