Housing advice for council tenants and supported accommodation

Find sources of information and advice for housing issues if you're a council tenant or living in supported accommodation.

Council and housing association tenants

If you're a tenant or occupier of council or housing association property, and dissatisfied with any housing related matter, such as property conditions, dealing with repairs, etc., the first step is to let your landlord know about the issue. This will give your landlord an opportunity to resolve the issue or advise you on their next steps. Your landlord will have a complaint procedure that you should follow if you remain dissatisfied.

Housing ombudsman

The housing ombudsman is responsible for all complaints about social housing. This includes complaints about a local authority's relationship as landlord to its tenants or leaseholders. The housing ombudsman also looks at complaints about housing associations. 

When I should contact the housing ombudsman

If your landlord does not put things right, that is the time to make a complaint to the housing ombudsman. You can only complain to the housing ombudsman if you have reported the original problem to your landlord and you are dissatisfied with the response.

For further information about the role of the housing ombudsman, and the areas that they may become involved in between landlords and their 
tenants or occupiers, visit the Housing ombudsman service website.

Supported accommodation 

The majority of the supported accommodation across Leicestershire is provided by registered social landlords. This means landlords are registered with the regulator for social housing, so this includes councils and housing associations.

Talk to your support provider if there are any property related concerns. They will support you in following the correct process to get it logged and hopefully, resolved.

For private tenants in supported accommodation, the advice is the same to report the issue or concern to your landlord in the first instance. This will give your landlord an opportunity to resolve the issue or advise you on their next steps.

For private tenants who remain unhappy or have concerns about property related issues, help and advice is available from the private sector housing team for the area in which you live. Contact details are shown in the table below.

District and borough councils - Private sector housing team

Advice and guidance is available for those who have a private landlord. Each district and borough council has a private sector housing team dedicated to all private sector issues including:

  • Landlord/tenant issues
  • Rent arrears
  • Debt issues
  • Tenancy deposits
  • Possession proceedings - what to do if you receive a notice to quit, court order or summons.

Links for private sector housing team:

Shelter Housing Aid and Research Project (SHARP)

SHARP is an independent housing advice centre that covers Leicestershire and Rutland. They have provided advice, help and support for thousands of people who have been homeless or facing housing problems in the city of Leicester and the counties. Their private sector housing team is responsible for investigating, maintaining, enforcing and improving housing standards and conditions in the private housing sector. This sector includes private rented, owner occupied and housing association accommodation.

Leicester Shelter
Getting the right housing advice - YouTube Video
England Shelter 

NACRO Leicester

Nacro Housing services include health, education, housing and advice regarding the criminal justice system.

Nacro Housing offer accommodation in Leicester for people over the age of 18 who are at risk of homelessness and need additional assistance to  manage a tenancy and live safely in the community. Accommodation is available for up to two years.

To be eligible a person must:

  • be aged 18 or over
  • be at risk of homelessness
  • need additional assistance to manage a tenancy.

Nacro Housing Leicester

Citizens Advice Leicestershire 

A good source for advice relating to a wide range of areas including; benefits, consumer, debt and money, discrimination, family, health, housing, immigration, law (your rights) and work.
Citizens Advice Leicestershire
Contact number for Leicestershire residents: 0808 2787854.