Living with dementia

If you or someone you care for has dementia or you’re worried about your memory or theirs, this information may help you.

Finding out if you have dementia

Memory is often the first thing that people notice. If you’re worried that your memory is getting worse, or is beginning to affect everyday life, talk to your GP.

Not all memory problems are related to dementia but your GP will decide with you what tests and support will be helpful to you.

Memory assessment and dementia services

If your GP is concerned that you may have dementia, they will refer you to the specialist memory service for a more detailed assessment, diagnosis and to discuss any possible treatment. 

Dementia support

Dementia Support Services in Leicester and Leicestershire

Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland

The Dementia Support Service provided by Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland offers free information, support and guidance for people with memory issues and/or a diagnosis of dementia, and their carers. You may want to contact them for:

  • one to one support, face to face or over the telephone
  • information for you and your family about local services and support groups such as memory cafés
  • training if you’re an unpaid carer

Phone: 0116 223 7363

Care Choices

You can download a free Dementia guide from Care Choices which provides information on:

  • getting a diagnosis
  • living well with dementia
  • caring for someone with dementia and
  • details of local community services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland

Alternatively, phone 01223 207770 to get your free copy.

Equipment and memory aids to help with dementia

You can buy equipment and memory aids which act as reminders and alarms to help you stay safe in your own home.

Other places to get information and advice

You can also get information and support services from the national Alzheimer’s Society They have:

The Herbert Protocol (for people at risk of going missing)

If somebody living with dementia goes missing, it’s a very stressful situation for everyone concerned.  

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme and is available through Leicestershire Police. The scheme allows carers to record useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.

You can find out more information about the scheme and download the form from the Leicestershire Police website or pick one up from your local police station.

Fill out the form with information about the person with dementia and keep it in a safe place. 

If the person goes missing, add any relevant recent information and give the form to the police as it will have vital information about the person to help find them. 

Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle is where you have a small bottle in the fridge containing essential personal and medication details, which informs neighbours or the emergency services of vital medical information quickly.

How can Adult Social Care help?

You can request an assessment for care and support from us. You don’t have to pay for the assessment however you may have to pay for any services offered depending on your financial circumstances.  

Caring for someone with dementia

Caring for someone with dementia can be rewarding but challenging at times.  

Dementia UK have produced some advice videos to help you along the way.

If you’re an unpaid carer, you may find some useful information on our Looking after someone pages. You can also request a carer’s assessment.

Further reading