Keep safe at home and in the community

Get information about how to keep safe from falls, abuse and scams.

Keeping safe from injury


If you’ve had a fall or are worried about falling, First Contact Plus can refer you to the free service offered by the NHS Falls team. They can help you to improve your balance and mobility and reduce the risk of falling.

You can complete the online self-referral form and First Contact Plus will call you back within 2 working days.

Equipment and technology

You should also consider what equipment and technology could help you keep safe or lifeline, telecare or alarm.

You can find suppliers of aids, adaptations and equipment in our information and support directory.

Fire safety

You can check Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service to see whether you are eligible for a free home fire safety check. The Fire and Rescue service is also a good place to find out what you can do about making your home safer e.g. electrics, carbon monoxide, hoarding and other fire hazards.

Keeping safe when you’re out and about

A ‘keep safe place’ is somewhere to go if you're out and about and need somewhere to feel safe or get help for a few minutes.

Find out where the ‘keep safe places’ are and how to get a ‘keep safe card’.

The Herbert protocol is a national scheme for people at risk of going missing and is available through Leicestershire Police

It encourages family, friends and carers to put together useful information on a form which helps the police find the person who has gone missing. You can download the form or pick one up from your local police station.

Keeping safe from other people

Keeping safe from neglect and abuse

Neglect or abuse is when someone hurts you or treats you badly. 

Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board have some easy-read guides and leaflets on their website to help you to understand:

  • what abuse is
  • where and when it happens
  • telling someone about the abuse
  • who might be an abuser


There are lots of different scams that you need to be aware of but most scams mean that someone is trying to get hold of your money.

Find out how to recognise a scam, protect yourself and what to do if you or someone you know has been targeted.


You can get advice and information about staying safe online from the Get safe online website

There are also easy-read guides and videos to help you understand what you need to do to stay safe on your computer and mobile phone on the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Boards website - Keep safe on your computer and mobile phone