Submit a question to be asked at a meeting

Council meetings and your questions.

If you live in Leicestershire and would like to ask a question about one of our services or an issue that we might be able to help with, you can submit a question to:

This procedure does not apply to meetings of the Cabinet or full council.

How to submit a question

Your question must:

  • be submitted to the Chief Executive's Department at least 5 clear days before the meeting (you can contact the relevant Democratic Services Officer or email
  • be relevant to the body that you are directing it to

Your question must not:

  • Be offensive or defamatory.
  • Be substantially similar to a question which has already been put to a meeting within the previous 6 months.
  • Require an answer that would mean disclosing confidential information or information we’re not required to provide (‘exempt information’).

If you’re unable to attend a meeting, or you don’t feel comfortable asking a question, you can ask your local councillor to ask a question on your behalf. Find your local councillor online or call 0116 305 6002.

At the meeting

Questions are taken at the beginning of the meeting and dealt with in the order they’re received. The question and answer session is limited to 10 minutes, but this can be extended if agreed.

You don't need to attend the meeting to be able to submit a question and have it answered. If you've submitted a question, but are unable to attend the meeting, then the answer will be read out by the Chairman in your absence and you'll be provided with a copy of the answer.

There is the opportunity to ask one follow up question to clarify the reply, however you do need to be present at the meeting to ask that follow up question. If the follow up question raises new issues or is considered out of order, it may not be answered.

The questions and answers will not be debated. However a county councillor can suggest that the subject is considered further at another meeting. This would then be voted on.

After the meeting

You’ll be given a written copy of the Chairman’s answer shortly after the meeting. If the matter is to be discussed at a future meeting you’ll be given the date and told about your rights to attend.